Hence, it is but fitting to conclude this school year through a simple yet meaningful class prayer service. For this concluding prayer service, we shall focus on your class saint and how we can relate to and emulate his exampleof holiness as well as the struggles present therein.
In your class, please appoint five point persons, who will form the Steering Committee, in-charge of overseeing
a. the prayer text
b. the music
c. logistics (decoration, physical arrangements, reservation of facilities and venue)
d. presentation and invitation (powerpoints, saint presentation, invitation to adviser/mentors)
e. the symbolic gesture.
The class president heads the steering committee.
Below is a suggested format for the Prayer Service:
Theme: A Year of Journeying with our Class Patron Saint
1. Opening Song or Video – A familiar gathering song to set an atmosphere for prayer which can be sung by the class led by selected instrumentalists.
2. Introduction to the Celebration - to be delivered by the class beadle
3. Our Class Patron Saint - A creative presentation on the life of the class patron saint. It may be in the form of a short video presentation or live dramatization highlighting important events on the life of the patron saint.
4. Gospel Reading: John 21:15-19 (Jesus and Peter) - to be read by the class porter
5. Symbolic Gesture– Moved by the life and message of the class patron saint, the students will decide on a symbolic gesture as a focal point of their prayer service. This symbolic gesture must highlight and thus be closely related to an important virtue/value that the class patron saint possessed.
The symbolic gesture is to be proposed and discussed by the Class Officers to the CLE teacher, subject to his recommendations and final approval by Wednesday, 3 March 2010.
6. Intercessions – Intercessory prayers to be offered for various intentions. The following are especially recommended intentions: a. for the Church b. for the nation c. for the less fortunate d. for Xavier community. e. for the class
7. Final Prayer – The prayer service ends with the singing of the Lord’s Prayer and a short final prayer for the class to be led by the Class President.
8. Closing Hymn – A fitting song may be sung to end the prayer service.
This Prayer Service will be rated as part of the students’ fourth quarter prayer service grade in CLE. Part of the grade will be based on a copy of the text for the entire prayer service to be submitted by the Class President to the CLE teacher and part will be based on the actual prayer service. The class adviser or mentor(s) who are present in the celebration shall be asked to assess their prayer service.